

ATR Wide-Age-Range Brain Data Repository
– 192 subjects from 20’s to 60’s
– Resting state functional connectivity (10-min resting state fMRI, Simens 3T Trio, Verio, Prisma)

ATR Network-BMI Brain Database
– 61 subjects
– fMRI (SA task, 5-min resting state fMRI; Simens 3T Trio)
– EEG (SA task; 5-min resting state EEG; 64ch ActiveTwo, Biosemi )
-fNIRS (SA task; 5-min resting state fNIRS; 49ch FOIRE-3000, Shimadzu co.)

Decoded Neurofeedback (DecNef) Project Brain Data Repository
– collected at the 8 sites, 14 scanners
– Resting state functional connectivity (10-min, resting state fMRI)
– Participant demograohics

MULTI-DIMENSIONAL SAMPLING OF INDIVIDUAL BRAINS (MULDS) : Multi-modal and multi-task human brain imaging dataset
– 5 subjects
– MEG+EEG, fMRI, NIRS(whole-head), T1-MRI, T2-MRI, diffusion MRI
– four tasks (resting, face, language, audio-visual)